2023 U.S. Open Final Qualifying, England (USGA)

May 15, 2023

T5 at Dutch Open secured his spot at the U.S. Open

June 5, 2022

After a 2nd place at Betfred British Masters and a T5 at Dutch Open Sebastian is now ready for the U.S. Open in Boston in June.The week before that he will join most of the swedes in Volvo Cars Scandinavian Mixed. May the best man or woman win!

2019 U.S. Open Sectional Qualifying, England (USGA)

April 7, 2019

T21 in Oman and New Hopes in Qatar this coming week

March 6, 2019

The Swedish Golf Tour, like national tours all over the world, is a place for hopes and dreams. Göran Söderqvist, a blogger at the Swedish Golf Federation, reflected on young Swedes hopes, dreams and progress.

We like to share his blog entry – freely translated into English.

Land of Hopes and Dreams…

2017 U.S. Open Sectional Qualifying, England (ET/PGA) – MC

April 17, 2017

Sebastian plays US OPEN!

May 31, 2016

An exciting week indeed, and it couldn’t have started better!

Sebastian is one out of four Swedes who yesterday qualified to go to Oakmont in a couple of weeks to play US Open.
After 5 dividing holes, on the 41:st hole for the day,  he finishes off with a long fantastic putt, to receive the ticket for his first Major.

Now it’s time to refocus for the ET tournament Nordea Masters, starting on Thursday at the great course of Bro Hof.

Putts like this takes you to US Open (Twitter)

Exciting week ahead

May 29, 2016

US Open Sectional Qualifying in Surrey, England, 30 May 2016

2016 U.S. Open Sectional Qualifying, England (ET/PGA) – T11 Qualified

May 22, 2016