A triple bogey on the 16th hole on Saturday, could have spoiled the chances for a new Top 10 result but Sebastian wanted revenge and came out super sharp on Sunday.
-5 after 6 was a fantastic opening. Sebastian stayed bogey-free and he also got his revenge on the 16th hole with a birdie. A closing birdie on the 18th resulted in another Top 10 (T9).
October 18, 2020
Another Top 10
A triple bogey on the 16:th hole on Saturday, could have spoiled the chances for a new Top 10 result but Sebastian wanted revenge and came out super sharp on Sunday.
-5 after 6 was a fantastic opening. Sebastian stayed bogey-free and he also got his revenge on the 16:th hole with a birdie. A closing birdie on the 18:th resulted in another Top 10 (T9).